Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Jaunty gradeup

Well I took the plunge and upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04. First I tried the upgrade option and that caused all kinds of hassle. To be fair, I did start the upgrade, stop, restart, stop, restart again... several times. So I'm not too surprised that something wonky happen and could not get to the login screen.

Further, since I had several old kernels installed, installing from the live CD allowed me to get rid of old partitions, resize and generally cleanup the drive. When I did to a clean install I was tickled when I got to the login screen! Sweet glassy goodness! Login, good, password, good, ... screen goes all VGA on me and freezes... not so good. After checking the boards and finding many others had screen shots that looked exactly like mine and all were using ATI graphic cards I was not amused. But I pressed on, the solution (for me - and there does not seem to be a singular solution here) was to boot into a Gnome safe mode session and activate, download and install the restricted ATI drivers. Yeah! it worked. errrrr wait. where's my sound? crap. Thats an issue for another day.

So, if you have an ATI graphics card try logging in a safe graphics mode (lower left corner of login screen) and give that a try. It worked for me, it might work for you.

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