Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It all began several years ago

Started using computers back in the mid '80's (I don't count the comp sci classes on the the commodore 64 or the PET machines in highschool). I was a MAC man. As a graduation present my dad bought me my very own MAC with a monstrous 20MB external SCSI HDD.

In grad school I laughed and laughed at the poor DOS folks. Then Windows 3.1 came. It was just crappy enough to become popular but I carried on on my own little bubble of MAC happiness.

Getting a job after grad school forced me into the windows world and I went grudgingly, hating every step.

Financial concerns precluded me from updating my MAC but it was still a going concern a late as '92.

With win95 and each subsequent OS version I became more and more disillusioned and started hearing about this Os called Linux that was free.

Over the next several years I've installed RedHat, Mandriva, tiny, yellowdog, searching for the distribution that best fit my skill level and hardware compatibility. Well, I've finally settled on UBUNTU. I started with feisty and have been upgrading through to hardy 8.1. However, I've had little time to actually use it beyond checking for updates and tweaking my GUI.

Today is a new day. Today I start in earnest and shall share my trials and tribulations. My successes and failures. My highs and my lows.... you get my point.

If you're a linux newbie or are thinking of becoming one or are a kind hearted guru please follow and share your experiences as I start trippin' pn Linux
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